Am I guaranteed an hourly amount?
You are paid for the trips you complete.
Uber in some cities may offer and set gross fare guarantees for specific times and and dates. A gross fare guarantee sets a specific hourly amount that driver-partners will receive unless they earn more during that hour from trip fares.
To be eligible to receive gross fare guarantees, you must meet certain requirements, including (but not limited to):
– high acceptance rate for ride requests
– number of completed trips
– total number of hours online
– rating during the promotion period for the gross fare guarantee
These requirements may differ depending on what city you drive in and the specific gross fare guarantees currently in place.
Uber may set gross fare guarantees for specific times or dates. For example, different guaranteed gross fares may be set for Friday nights and Sunday afternoons.
Drivers who qualify for guaranteed gross fares will receive the guaranteed hourly amount for any hour that they earn less from trip fares.
We pay this difference to you as a miscellaneous payment in your next weekly statement.
If you did not meet one or more of the promotion period requirements, a $0.00 line item will appear in your payment statement, with a brief summary of all requirements that notes any that you did not meet during the promotion period.
For hours that you earned more than the guaranteed fare amount, no additional payment will be included.
Gross fares are calculated as Base Fare + Time and Distance Rates + Surge Pricing (if applicable). Gross fare guarantees do not include additional tolls or fees. The Uber Fee is charged to fares for trips completed during gross fare guarantee periods.
Please note that Uber reserves the right to withhold or deduct payments determined to be in error, fraudulent, illegal, or in violation of driver terms or these terms.
How much are Uber drivers making per trip? Source: